Sunday, July 31, 2011

Your end speaks

The final speech of our life will be the one that is remembered throughout the generations. And you and I will spend a lifetime preparing that dissertation.

So what thought, what planning, what platform are you creating for that final analysis of a life lived on planet earth?  For the rehearsal is participated in every day that we breathe, with every word uttered and with every act expressed.

Many discard the moments as if they are only scraps that can be easily tossed aside. But let me enlighten you by revealing to you that every second wasted is as a diamond lost.

For what price can you place upon a life? What value is a finger? What worth is an eye? And the sum total of it all – what is the true value of a life lived to its fullest potential?

For the only common element that we share in common in this world is time itself.  And at the summation of all the collected seconds that have made up our life – what will be the contents of your speech that will openly reveal the true value of a life lived?

Let your end speak in a way that future generations will be inspired to launch their own momentous beginning.

Satisfaction Beware

It’s great to win, but beware of satisfaction.

The tendency for many humans is to begin to cruise or settle back when they experience a few wins. But the fact is that if you’re not moving forward, you’re probably going backwards.

So what are some ways to ensure that you’re not overtaken by a satisfaction relapse?

  • Have a fresh goal in place that will keep your motivation fires burning.
  • Place yourself in an environment of growth, because growth demands change.
  • Make yourself accountable to someone who wants you to win.
  • Pronounce your new goal ‘out loud’ for others to hear, and then you will have to keep moving forward.
  • Surround yourself with people who are more successful than yourself.
  • Embrace problems and chase challenges until you see victory.
  • Think creatively.

So I suppose my point is this: Live in a constant state of dissatisfied satisfaction and always choose to break out of your comfort zone.

For in order to continue on a pathway of growth it is so important to stay alive to fresh ideas and fresh inspiration. That way, every day will become an exciting adventure, and you’ll never find yourself stuck in the boggy waters of satisfaction

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Goal Sweating

To write a goal is admirable.  Few do it.  But that is only the starting point.

Once you have written your goal – and I like to write it as if it has already been achieved – and attached a date to it when you wish to see it achieved, it is then that the real work begins.

So what do you do next?

1. BROADCAST – Declare your goal to those who support you – your cheer squad. That way you are positioning yourself to be accountable.  You’re committed.

2. DISSECT – Chop your BIG goals into smaller portions with progressive dates set to complete these.  Little by little you are then positioned to possess the goal.

3. PLAN – Create a plan, write it down, and break it up into weekly or even daily sub-goals that you need to achieve along the way, in order to achieve your main goal.

4. EXCEL - If you don’t achieve excellence in the small, then how on earth will you ever expect to do the BIG any better. Those who are faithful with the little will be entrusted with the BIG.

5. EVALUATE - Check yourself along the road towards your goal, and if you are not kicking small goals along the way, you may need to relook at what you’re currently doing and adjust your plan.  It may require some harder, longer or smarter work along the way.

6. PERSIST – Any worthwhile goal is worth the effort. So don’t quit as soon as you’ve left the starting gate. Push through. Surround yourself with the people and the resources to help you to stand above the crowd because of  your persistence.

7. ACHIEVE – Never forget that the sweetest taste that you can ever taste is the sweat of a goal perceived and a goal achieved.

MY CHALLENGE TO YOU TODAY: Write on a piece of paper your next 12 month goals, your five year goals and your ten year goals. Type them up, shrink the typeface, print it off, and carry it in your wallet so that you can pull them out on a daily basis to read and remind you of your commitment to yourself. ACT NOW!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rich Thoughts

I was handed a great book the other day entitled ‘Wink And Grow Rich’ by Roger Hamilton. I’m still reading it…but there were a few great nuggets that I thought I’d share here in my online journal.

  • The key to your wealth is to learn how to lead leaders.
  • If you decide to be true to your future self, then your life will change beyond measure.
  • Learn to SEE better and you will GET better.
  • Ask better questions.
  • Think it, ink it, do it, review it.
  • Think on these gems and apply them…..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time Management Is Not Rocket Science

Mary Kay, who created a cosmetic empire, managed her time by making her list of 6 every day: the 6 most important things that needed doing. Whatever wasn’t completed was transferred to the next day and so on.

Giorgio Armani works on 8 projects simulataneously. One hour per project. That means 8 projects per day. When the hour’s up one project is put aside and another is commenced.

Time Management is not rocket science. It is simply common sense, and it is so simple to manage your time if you break your time up into small bite size increments.

Do what is important first and foremost and you will live a life that is managed. And as a direct result you will achieve so much more than the person who lives their life constantly putting out fires and who is driven to distraction by the tyranny of the urgent.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Magnify your mind

I love my mind.

Why you may ask? Because no matter how much I put into it, it never explodes. It is a reservoir that is always thirsty for fresh revelation and new insight. It is hungrier than a lion and more voracious than a tiger.

How hungry, you might say, can that be? Well here are the pile of books next to my bed that I’m currently reading or will be reading in the very near future.

I’ve included the titles as well as the authors:
  1. The Glorious Koran – Best life manual for toughest machinery (human being) 
  2. The Bible – God in collaboration with a few well known authors.
  3. Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radium – Ann E. Steinke
  4. The Worldy Philosophers – Robert Heilbroner
  5. Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity – Robert Cwiklik
  6. Shattered Dreams – The Story of Mary Todd Lincoln – David Collins
  7. Alexander The Great – Alan Fildes & Joann Fletcher
  8. Retire Young, Retire Rich – Robert Kiyosaki
  9. The Book of David (subject of the film ‘Shine’) – Beverley Eley
  10. Money Secrets of the Rich – John R. Burley
  11. Teachings from the Worldly Philosophy – Robert Heilbroner
  12. Creating Wealth – Robert G. Allen
  13. Multiple Streams of Income – Robert G. Allen
  14. The One Minute Millionaire – Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen

In addition I have a notepad and a pen beside my bed to jot down those thoughts that fly into my head and wake me up at 2.00 am in the morning.

My most precious possession you might ask? My personal library….so let’s explore how you too can magnify or expand your mind.

How many books do I read at once? I generally have two or three going all at once in order to magnify my mind.

I have met many people in my lifetime who declare that ‘I’m not a reader’. Well, I have a cousin who tried to convince me of that fact. And if you would have taken a look at his previous reading track record, all of us, including his teachers, would have agreed that he was not a reader.

But it wasn’t until I hit his hot button and found out that he had a keen interest in reading autobiographies and biographies, that overnight he was transformed from a non-reader into a reader.

Every night, before he goes to sleep, I find him reading. Does he like every book that he picks up to read? No.

The fact is, I’m the same.

You don’t have to read every book you pick up. If it doesn’t hit the spot or the writer is atrocious, or for whatever reason, toss it. But don’t stop there. Search out another book. Find another subject that inspires you and interests you.


As a motivational speaker, I can tell you this, that at times the last book I want to read is a motivational book. I live motivation, dream motivation, eat motivation, write motivation 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

So there are times when I need a sabbatical in my reading habits.

So where do I head? I read books on love, others on religion, particularly the Impressionist breed, but even of late have branched out into more modern areas. I read autobiographies and biographies.

I tend to find myself wanting to know the author behind the book, or the artist behind the art or rather the architect behind the architecture.

In fact, there is one famous author, who I personally don’t like his style of writing, but when it came to his autobiography, I loved that. I still haven’t read any of his books, but I learnt an immense amount from reading about his interesting life.


Here are some guidelines to get you back on track, if you are presently a ‘non reader’.

What should I read?

Define your personal interests and start there. I personally found that motivational books inspired me just over 10 years ago, but since then my tastes have further developed. For every motivational book I read, I probably read four or five other types of books. It’s amazing that from those non-motivational books I always seem to find motivational material that is of benefit to me and others.

How often should I read? Every day.

How long should I read? If it has not been your habit to read in the past, then start with a page a day. Or if the chapters are short, a chapter a day. Develop the success habit of reading daily and the quantity of what you read will gradually increase. Your reading ability will also improve.

Where should I read? Everywhere. When I have an appointment, I always take a book with me.  Some people like to read before they sleep of a night while others like the morning vigil. Find what suits your personality and personal habits through experimentation.

I don’t have money to spend on books? Join your local library. It is there that you will find a tremendous resource. I have of late started to purchase investment books once a month, but always at a discounted price.

Just one other suggestion:

If you still have difficulty reading, there are so many audio programs available where you can listen to books being read to you. There are also a range of services that will provide you with book summaries.

Search the Internet for these services, and whatever you do, you owe it to yourself, and to your ongoing education, to make reading a daily habit as you build your successful life.

Monday, July 25, 2011

TIP TOP Services

There is one particular aspect of the American way of life that I really enjoy, and that is the fact that it is expected, by those who serve you, that you not only pay them for their service, but that you always add some extra money to the bill in the form of a tip.

Now for those of us who live in India, this is not a normal practice.

However, at the end of my trip from my native place (Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh) this time, I needed to spend an hour in the lobby of a hotel as I waited for the shuttle bus, that was booked to take me to the Lucknow Station. It was then that I noticed the bellman for the first time. He had a great attitude and seemed to make everybody he served laugh. At one point he even did a little jig on the hotel floor. I appreciated that, and I know that the rest of his customers did too.

He was somewhat surprised though as I thrust 101 Rupees into his hand before leaving the hotel . He asked me, ‘What was that for?’ I responded, ‘For making me happy.’ In my books this fellow was not just receiving a tip for having a great attitude. He was TIP-TOP.

It might seem crazy to those of you who do not have tipping as part of your culture, that I am excited about giving money away to others.

Let’s face it. What’s so great about giving more money away than you think you should? But if that is what you are thinking, then think again.

When you have the opportunity to give more than what is expected, then you are actually administering a flow that can ultimately result in a flood.

A nation that gives is a nation that lives. The spirit of generosity will only create one thing: a generous spirit.

It is more than just about money. It is more about having a prosperous attitude.

Tipping to me encourages those who serve to serve even better.

Reward is an important part of motivation and should always be engendered in every family, organisation or nation. Tipping is one such reward for expended effort.


To be motivated, we either need a whip from behind or the enticement of a carrot from in front. I don’t know about you, but I’d choose the carrot time and time again. Here are some carrots that will guide you in your pursuit of the tip-top life.

1. Make Excellence Your Trademark

Don’t ever be satisfied with second best. Choose to do everything to the best of your ability. If your goal is to always be excellent, then you will find the means and the skills to achieve excellence in everything you do.

2. Always Provide First-Class Service

When you serve, serve well. And in your serving provide first-class service. And what is first-class service? It is the service that you would expect if you were served. Do unto others as you would wish to be done.

3. Do More Than Expected

Those who always go the extra mile will always generate a smile. I love the companies that put in a lolly when my order has been returned. I enjoy the kind email or note that is sent to me that I never expected.

4. Find Ways To Add The WOW Factor

Make it your mission to really impress whomever you are dealing with. Give something away for FREE. Do what others don’t do. I love going to my favourite coffee shop that has a loyalty program in place. Every five coffees I get a free one. They get my business time and time again.


So in summary, if you make it your mission to put your all into all that you do, you will have all that you ever need to live a successful life.

Do your best and you’ll be blessed.

Treat others with respect and never forget to say thankyou.

Write notes of appreciation to others and send a happy e-card or joyful email to your friends, your family and your clients.

It generally only takes a few seconds of your time to do these things. However, they will add hours of enjoyment to your life.

Share a smile. Walk the extra mile. Remove guile and live with style. These are the simple ingredients for your personal recipe of stunning and outstanding success and happiness.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Curbing The Communication Crisis

A friend of mine has recently been on the other end of someone’s communication that suddenly revealed that what the other person had intended for them to know was never clearly communicated. And because my friend’s persistent requests, in the past, to have the matter put in writing, were never carried out, the end result has been a sudden realisation that what the other party meant and what my friend thought they meant were two completely different matters.

Why the matter wasn’t pursued by my friend voraciously was because the other person was their friend. But that in itself was their biggest mistake.

Friend or no friend, it is so important, when it comes to having a working relationship with another human being, that you put in writing your agreement so that both parties understand clearly their part to play in the relationship before signing, and of course before proceeding.

By having it written down, when there is a disagreement at a later date, you both then have something to come back to, as a third party as it were, from which there can be a resolution of the differences without the maladjustment often caused through emotional distortion, but rather a resolution brought about through the observation of facts.

‘To curb’ means ‘to restrain’ or ‘to control’ or ‘to check’.

Communication is so important. It is the basis of all human interaction and it is for this reason that we must learn ‘to control’ it in a way that miscommunication is kept at a minimum in all our relationships.

Here are what I call the ‘Ten Commandments of Curbing The Communication Crisis’.

These are obviously very relevant to the business and work environment, but could be readily applied to any relationship that you embark upon.

1. Find Out What The Other Person Wants.

It is so important to find out exactly what people want. Do this through the art of questioning and listening. When they answer a question then repeat that answer as another question, ‘So by saying (their answer), do you mean (your interpretation of that answer)? Qualify their answers in this manner and there is less chance of misinterpretation. Take notes or record the discussion.

2. Record How You’re Going To Fulfil Their Needs.

After you have found out what they want, then present to them the way that you are going to meet their needs. So for every problem that the other person has provide a solution. Fit your product or service to their requirements. If you can’t, then say so. If you can, say so. The important thing is that you provide a platform for open and clear communication.

It may take more than one meeting to gather all the necessary information, but stick with it until you have covered all bases. Don’t rush the process. The firm foundations constructed at this level of the relationship will alleviate many problems that could eventuate down the track.

3. Have All This Information Clearly Written Out In Full.

Now from those preliminary discussions, formulate a document that represents both the wants and the fulfilled needs discussed in points 1 and 2. Don’t make it a long and drawn out document. Put it into point form.

4. Allow Time For Both Parties To Review The Agreement.

Time is important. Provide a copy of this document to both parties and give them time to review it in private. Set a date to get back together to review the document.

5. Make Any Necessary Changes Until Both Parties Agree.

Both parties should mark changes where they think it is necessary, keeping in mind that win/win is the best policy.

6. Both Parties To Sign The Agreement And Get To Work.

Once all the changes have been made and agreed upon, have a fresh finished document prepared. And only when everybody is happy with it, both sign.

7. Review The Agreement From Time To Time And Adjust It If Necessary.

Things change. Make it a point to regularly review the document from time to time so that those agreed upon changes can be made without too much fuss.

8. Deal With Any Disagreements Promptly With The Document As Your Reference.

Disagreements happen, so when they do arise pull out the document and see where the disagreement lies. This is not a faultfinding exercise. This is an opportunity to make the relationship stronger.

9. If You’re Wrong, Admit It. Fix It And Move On.

If you’re wrong, as per the document, admit it, fix it and keep moving.

10. If You’re Right, Don’t Gloat. Forgive And Forget As You Move On.

If you’re right, act in humility and know that it is quite possible that down the track you could be the one making the mistake

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Affluence Of Influence

I remember hearing a story years ago of how the wind and the sun had a discussion one day about who could get a man, who was wearing a trench coat, to take it off the fastest.

The wind was adamant that he would be the winner on the day. So the sun stood back and allowed the wind to take the first attempt. Well the wind created such a fierce force that the man, wearing the coat, hung on to that coat with all his life and wouldn’t let go. The stronger the wind, the longer he held on until the wind finally gave up and retreated in defeat. The wind was firmly convinced that if he could not get the man to budge, with all the force that had been applied, that the sun had no chance of competing.

Then it was the sun’s turn. Out came those bright rays of warmth that make the flowers blossom and the grass grow, and it wasn’t too long before the man quickly took off his trench coat and walked down the road whistling a happy tune.

From my experience, some of the greatest influence that you can ever have on another life is by simply presenting yourself with a smile, extending a handshake, patting someone on the back, showing interest in another person, and basically seeking ways to spread a little sunshine.

Therein lies the affluence of influence.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

aggressive progressive

You must also acquire the correct knowledge and then put yourself within an environment whereby you can access ongoing wise counsel.

I recently heard about a multi-millionaire who had a dream.

It may surprise you, but his first dream was not to own a condominium or a hotel resort beside the ocean.

His very first dream was to have at his disposal a team of wise lawyers, accountants, financial advisors and mentors.

He knew that they in turn would be able to provide him with the necessary information and guidance that would supply him with the necessary knowledge to acquire those very things.

In addition to pursuing great deals, he spent much of his time seeking out the right people to guide him in those purchases. In doing so he set himself up to procure wealth that secured both his and his families future beyond his wildest dreams. That also included the condominiums and hotels.

He was an ‘aggressive progressive’ and you too can be one.

Here are four qualities of an ‘aggressive progressive’?

1. Invest In An Ongoing Education

One of the greatest investments you can make is in yourself.

This was once again reinforced in my own life recently when I watched a teenager I know spend  42000 Rs, of their hard earnt money which they had been earning at 8000 a month in a part-time job, on a course that would expand his financial education.

There were many other things that they could have spent their money on, but they realised that if they invested this money now, that they would in turn learn how to make so much more money in a far shorter period of time.

It always amazes me how many adults wince at paying 90K Rs to 1.5 Lac for a three day seminar and yet are willing to struggle for twenty years of their life and never change the way they think or act.

2. Gain Access To Wise Counsel

Henry Ford was once accused of being ignorant. But the fact was that eventhough he didn’t know the answers to TRIVIA-type questions, he knew people who could get him the information, because he surrounded himself with experts in their own specific fields of endeavour.

To be successful, you don’t have to be good at everything. You need to surround yourself with people who know more than you, and as you associate with them more and more it won’t be long before that knowledge will overflow into your life.

3. Acquire Knowledge

An ‘aggressive progressive’ is hungry for the acquisition of knowledge.

They listen to tapes, they attend seminars, they read book after book after book. They ask questions. They join forums on the Internet.

They seek out opportunities to learn from every circumstance and continue at all times to have the attitude of a student.

4. Act

I have read a book entitled ‘Good Things Don’t Come To Those Who Wait’.

If you’re waiting for your ship to come in it won’t be long before you’ll find yourself shipwrecked.

‘Aggressive progressives’ don’t wait.


The ‘Aggressive Progressive’ Challenge

If you haven’t experienced significant positive change in the last five years then you need to do something drastic.


Change will only happen if you ENFORCE change on your life.

If you want a different life then do something different to what you did last year and the year before last. Don’t remain in a state of ‘degressive regressive’. Move ahead now by becoming an ‘aggressive progressive’ once and for all.

Nothing will happen until you make it happen.

Purchase that book. Buy that tape. Enrol in that seminar. Learn and Act on the teaching


Apply the four qualities of an ‘aggressive progressive’ to your life and watch powerful and exciting changes start to occur.

Motivational Quote:  An ‘Aggressive Progressive’ makes progress through fearless action.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Disciplined Life

‘Death is the reward of an undisciplined life; your foolish decisions trap you in a dead end.’ Proverbs 5:23

‘The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction and you’re lost for good.’ Proverbs 10:17

‘If you love learning, you love the discipline that goes with it – how shortsighted to refuse correction.’ Proverbs 12:1

So to all parents – let me encourage you to discipline your children with love. By doing so you are setting them up for success.

So to all children – make discipline your friend at home, at school, in sport and in the workplace.

For it is my observation that many adults suffer from an incredible lack of self discipline, and it is for that reason that they wake up in their latter years filled with regret.

Don’t let that be you. For it is from the discipline carried out in doing the little things on a regular and disciplined manner that will shape and mould a magnificent, satisfied and disciplined life.

If you find discipline a hard thing to administer in your own life, then find a friend who will keep you accountable.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Strength vs Weakness

The following is the story of a 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t understand why, after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move.

“Sensei,” the boy finally said, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?”

“This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” the sensei replied.

Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training.

Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his first tournament. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged; the boy deftly used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.

This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched. Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the sensei intervened.

“No,” the sensei insisted, “let him continue.”

Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a critical mistake: He dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the champion.

On the way home, the boy and the sensei reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really on his mind.

“Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“You won for two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.

The boy’s biggest weakness had become his biggest strength.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It’s Not What You Say – It’s How You Say

People hate to be told what to do. People rather love to be invited.

We live in a world full of verbal bullies, and I think it’s high time that verbal bullies should be put in their place and liberty be given a greater opportunity to thrive.

These bullies are always ‘telling’. They are always barking orders, and they have never stopped to think about ‘asking’ or ‘inviting’.

It is really pinned around one important thing, and that is the need to develop the ability of showing respect to another human being with our words.

I tell my dog to sit. But when it comes to dealing with fellow human beings, I invite them to sit. I soften the way I speak to them by saying, ‘Would it be alright…’ or ‘How would you feel about….’ Softly, softly as you go.

When people are ‘told’ they may obey, but you will never win friends that way. Because even though they have been told to sit down and they follow your directives, they will be standing up on the inside and talking about you behind your back. And when they see you coming they will be ducking for cover, running away from you in every direction other than yours.

So if you have suddenly been made aware of your bullyish tactics, can I please invite you to stop telling your kids what to do. Stop telling your associates what to do. Stop telling your volunteers what to do. Stop telling your staff what to do. And start inviting people to enjoy the process and the results gained by following your polite and respectful directives.

It will change your life and save the lives of the multitudes from endless heartache as you touch their lives in the future.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Create An Explosive Existence

At dawn on July 4, 1934, Marie Sklodowska Curie, at the age of 66, finally died. Her death was caused by 30 years of exposure to her greatest scientific discovery – radium and its dangerous radioactivity.

Otherwise known as Mrs Pierre Curie, Professor at the Sorbonne in Paris, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics and Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, the words she had written when she was only 26 rang true in her life, “We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”

And as Abraham Lincoln expressed so eloquently when he was inaugurated as President of his nation for the second time, “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, let us strive on to finish the work that we are in…”

Both GIANTS, one in the world of science and the other in the world of politics, impressed upon themselves and others the importance of attaining what must be attained and of striving for what needed to be striven for.

What passion? What courage? And yet each and every one of us have a mission which we have been born to complete.

My challenge to you is this: Is your train(life) on the tracks that will carry you towards your mission’s fulfilment?

Maybe you’ve been derailed. Maybe you haven’t even got on board and haven’t really thought about it. Maybe you think that you’re not important enough. Maybe you fail to recognise your own very personal giftings.

Stop right now and consider this!

YOU ARE SPECIAL! That’s right…S-P-E-C-I-A-L! And that is why I want to stir you into action so that you can create an explosive existence.

Don’t just cruise through another year. Don’t do the slipstream thing, sliding yet through another BOOOORING year.


Get yourself packed so full of DYNAMITE that you will literally blow-up. When tomorrow hits, the wick will be lit and you will be ignited; ready to shoot like a skyrocket whizzing off and into space.

Higher than a kite, you’ll be leaving your own personal jetstream where you can start to write your own messages in the sky for everyone else to see.

You’re not going to be the one anymore standing on the shore craning your neck to see what letter of the alphabet is coming as the skywriter breaks the blue background with his white grafitti.

You are in charge. You are the composer of the music of your life. You are the designer of your destiny. You have the power of choice within your heart and your hands. You are the master of the masterpiece that is YOUR LIFE.

Let me inspire you to make this year a year that will be remembered as your year of beginnings and your year of never endings.


But how do you do that?

Here are five simple steps to guide you in your pursuit of an EXPLOSIVE LIFE that will keep exploding all the way into eternity.


There are two types of past that we all experience and must bury.

One is the NEGATIVE PAST. Now the best thing to do with that, and we all have some part of our past lying in negative soil, is to bury it.

One person suggested that if you ever had anything of a negative coming back up to your mind haunting you, then the best thing is to write it on a piece of paper and then physically tear it up. Rip it into a million pieces if you wish. Really take out your aggression on that piece of paper. Burn it if you like, but once and for all bury the old baggage.

Even physically dig a hole in your backyard with a shovel and toss the torn pieces of paper in there if you wish and say a prayer or two if you like. The important thing is that you rid yourself of that negative past once and for all. Otherwise you will continue to be tripped up by your past for the rest of your days.

Second is the POSITIVE PAST. Bury this in your heart. Call up these positive events time and again for reinforcement of the fact that you are a winner and that you are possessed with the ability to overcome, no matter the circumstances.

Keep a list of these wins. Keep memorabilia in a success file if you wish and one way to keep a record of these events is to maintain a journal.

I have boxes full of old journals that I have kept in exercise books and I now keep a lot of my records on my computer.


Life has a bad habit of overshadowing and burying dreams. Many of our dreams were birthed in our lives when we were very young and for some reason have been put aside or allowed to have the dust of the years settle on them.

If you’ve lost it, go find your dream again.

Go on. Don’t put it off. Go get it. Write it down.

Because once you’ve got your dream in place there will be no stopping you.


It is the spark that will ignite your life. It will wake you in the morning. It will keep you pushing towards it throughout the day and it will keep you up late at night.

The dream will add years to your life and productivity to your years.


With the rediscovery, or the reignition of your dream, you must start to invest in your life and in the lives of others.

But the facts are that if you are hungry, then how are you ever going to feed others.

Invest in yourself.

Feed your dream.

Read and grow in knowledge and understanding of your chosen path. Read and inwardly digest. Gorge yourself if you like, because if you are full to overflowing then you will then be more than able to feed those who come to be fed.

Make learning your ambition and listening your habit. Listen with both your eyes and your ears for there is so much to learn.

A seed planted in your life will ultimately produce a crop that will feed so many more than you could, at first, have ever imagined.

Seeds hold an incredible power within them that will ultimately multiply. So plant a new seed.



Planting a seed is not enough. You must spend time watering the seed through constant attention.

Read. Listen. Surround yourself with mentors. Keep the company of likeminded positive people. Teach. Share. Write. Finetune your dream. Readdress your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals from time to time and see if they still light the fire within your belly.

Track your progress and evaluate often.

Always remain teachable and correctable. Critics can at times sting and yet be some of our greatest tutors.

Stay on track. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted or pulled aside from the path you have chosen. But at the same time learn to recognize the breezes that will gently blow your sails  and guide your craft(life) in a more correct route.

Whatever you do, always follow after peace in your own heart. Utilise your strengths and open yourself up to new learning experiences.


This is your finest hour: the ultimate fulfillment of your dream.

But don’t forget that the harvest time can at times require the greatest expenditure of effort. So don’t slacken off. Roll up your sleeves and pitch in.

Marie Curie achieved her dream. But even though it ultimately claimed her life, her discovery has positively impacted the lives of millions throughout the world.

Abraham Lincoln didn’t live much longer, after his second inauguration and the restoration of peace after the Civil War, and yet he freed millions from slavery both then and in the future.

Dreams are often paid with a high price, but a life lived without a dream is a life never lived.

Motivational Quote:  A life lived without a dream is a life never lived.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Turning The Impossible Into The Possible

When the Wright brothers pronounced that they would be the first humans to fly, many people said that humans could and would never fly.”This time, they carried the glider almost to the top of Big Kill Devil Hill.

‘Ready?’ asked Orville.

‘Ready,’ replied Wilbur from his prone position.

Safely in the air, Wilbur warped the wings. There was an instant response and Wilbur glowed with joy. But as the glider curved, he became aware of a new instability. He adjusted the controls, There was little response. True, the glider turned. Still – although puzzled, he managed a safe landing.

On his fifth flight that day, Wilbur became aware of increased instability. Then the left wing dipped far too deeply. Frantically he pushed the elevator control. He was too late. The tip of the wing bit into the sand and he was hurled forward against the canvas elevator.

The birds all knew the secret of turning while in flight. But their secret was so deep no one could solve it. People said it was impossible for a heavier-than-air machine to fly. But Wilbur and Orville determined to show the world that it could and would be done.”

Source: ‘The Wright Brothers – They Gave Us Wings’ By Charles Ludwig

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Enough Is Just Not Good Enough

The older I get the more I expect excellence from my own life, from those who work for me and from those who work around me.

Where would McDonalds be today if they let 15 year olds flip a burger any way they’d like, without the systems and without the training?

The major reason we fail to see consistent excellence in businesses and organisations is because there is often a failure in the systems area. Quite often it’s not a people problem. It’s a system problem. And that means that there is a leadership problem.

Fix the system, train the people to use the system and excellence will remain constant. Continue to review, analyse, check that system and you can expect only one thing – and that is excellence.

So many leaders blame their followers for the problems that occur, but I’m a firm believer in the fact that ‘the buck stops with me’. If something’s not working down the bottom then there is something that needs to be corrected at the top.

And one way to make sure all is well is to conduct surveys – to allow your staff or members to communicate without fear of recrimination.

I’ve been known to ask my staff….’Give me the good, the bad and the ugly…’ and when the ugly has been delivered we have set about immediately to turn the ugly into beautiful. If my staff win, I win and we all win. There is no room for ego here.

But getting back to surveys, here’s one I handed out to my staff recently..

Do you believe that your current role in OE Design fits your strengths? If so how? If not, how could we help you with this?
Do you feel that you are given enough liberty in your role to be creative and innovative? If so how? If not how?
Do you feel that the systems in place for your role in the company are working? If so how? If not how?
Do you have any suggestions for what would help you do your job better?
Do you receive sufficient support from the leadership within the company? If so how? If not how?
Do you have any suggestions that would help your department do their job better?
Is there something that really bugs you at OE Design? If so, please offer a solution that you feel would help us squash that bug together?
What do you love about working for OE Design?
Do you feel that you have received enough communication throughout the year so that you can take ownership of the vision for OE Design – The Web Designers? Or can we help in anyway to make you feel more part of the team?
If there was one thing that could help you do your job better and make your job more satisfying, what would it be?
Do you have any other things that are not covered in the above 10 questions that you would like to suggest or raise?
The responses were awesome and now I’m armed with great material to help my people become even better at what they are already doing.

Good enough? No we’re heading for OUTSTANDING!

From Peter G. James Sinclair

Monday, July 4, 2011

70-25-5 Principle

Here’s a principle worth considering….
70 – Give 70% of your time to your areas of strength
25 – Give 25% of your time to the areas you want to improve
5 – Give 5% of your time to the areas of your weakness.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Leaders Know What To Cry About

The more leaders mature, the more value they place on people. when all is said and done, leadership isn’t about strategy, marketing, organization, efficiency, or high-quality products, but about people. Micah hurt when others hurt, even though they were in the wrong. The high value he placed on people teaches us…

1) People are an organisation’s most appreciable asset.

2) People skills are a leader’s most important asset.

3) If you are good with people, you can lead in a variety of contexts.

4) You can have people skills and not be a good leader, but you cannot be a good leader without people skills.

(The Maxwell Leadership Bible P1090.)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Creating Wealth

Here are some great thoughts from my favourite mentor – John McGrath:
  • Figure out the rules.
  • Develop the necessary skills and implement a wealth plan today.
And here’s another powerful thought…. ‘If we can do just a bit extra each day, push a little higher and further, we will end up with massive improvement in a short tim

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lesson from Kite

1. The Height Of The Kite Determines The Sight

In everything you do choose to take the eagle view. Look down on your circumstances and don’t ever allow yourself to suffer ‘under the circumstances’. Circumstances were never made to be ‘under’. They were created to be ‘above’. Think of the kite when the pressure rises. Stand back from your circumstances and gain a fresh perspective. Look at it creatively by brainstorming until you come up with an answer to solve the problem. Turn your disadvantage into an advantage. Problems were created to be solved.

2. Don’t Let Go

Hang on tight to your dream. Don’t let it go. Stay focussed on your goals. They are the string and the kite is your dream. Don’t pass it to another, because they won’t have the same vision that you have. Share the moment with them, but don’t let go of your indiviudal dream.

3. Choose Your Space Well

Set yourself up for a win by positioning yourself correctly. Research is vital at this point. Don’t just plunge ahead. Get the facts and stick with them.Be a detective and learn to make investigation your key weapon for success. Ask questions. Delve deep. Get input. Surround yourself with wise counsellors. Be one of the informed so that you can make successful decisions.

4. Prepare For The Unexpected

Have a contingency plan in place. Develop a range of income sources. In your specialisation diversify. Those who plan for the unexpected will not be surprised. They’ll be ready.

This is why we don’t leave things to the last moment and by doing so we are ever ready to succeed.


Simple, yet powerful principles learnt that day when the kite got away and as we spent the rest of the day unravelling the disaster.

The secret though is to always seek to learn from the mistakes that are made along the way. They can, at times, be your greatest teacher, if you are willing to learn.

Motivational Quote: Without problems there would never be a need for solutions, and without mistakes there would never be a reason for lessons learnt.