Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time Management Is Not Rocket Science

Mary Kay, who created a cosmetic empire, managed her time by making her list of 6 every day: the 6 most important things that needed doing. Whatever wasn’t completed was transferred to the next day and so on.

Giorgio Armani works on 8 projects simulataneously. One hour per project. That means 8 projects per day. When the hour’s up one project is put aside and another is commenced.

Time Management is not rocket science. It is simply common sense, and it is so simple to manage your time if you break your time up into small bite size increments.

Do what is important first and foremost and you will live a life that is managed. And as a direct result you will achieve so much more than the person who lives their life constantly putting out fires and who is driven to distraction by the tyranny of the urgent.

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