Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vocation = Vacation

‘The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.’ Mark Twain

There have been short periods in my life where I have found myself employed in a job that I didn’t suit and didn’t like. I didn’t stay there for too long, but learnt as much as I could from the experience before seeking out work that I enjoyed. I knew that this was going to be the only way that I was ever going to live an enjoyable and productive life.

I suppose that’s why I am in business for myself now. See, the thing that I really love to do is to create something new. And I suppose that’s what I’m in the business of doing on a daily basis.

I am reminded of my high-school years. There was this one maths teacher, one science teacher and one English teacher who inspired and encouraged this creativity in me. And it was no surprise that during those years that I had those three teachers that I excelled in those three separate subjects.

These days I create books, speeches, businesses and opportunities for not only myself to succeed, but to help others to succeed. And it is in this that I find my greatest joy, and it is in my current vocation that I find myself always on vacation. Work is not work for me – it’s fun, and because I love what I do I work hard and I often work long.

I’m not a ‘Thank God it’s Friday’ kind of guy. I declare seven days a week, as soon as I open my eyes of a morning, ‘Thank God it’s TODAY!’

So don’t be satisfied with second best. Find what you love doing and go do it. If at first you don’t succeed, don’t stop. Just keep trying until you find your vacation vocation.

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