Sunday, September 11, 2011

What people say, you see what people is

Words in the mouth of the wise are as seeds, that if planted correctly will yield bountiful crops in those same lives in the next one, two, five or even ten years.

But the words of the unwise will do exactly the same. I have actually overheard two particular people who have said such things as, ‘I will not live to an old age’, and another ‘If I ever lose my wealth there will be nothing for me to live for.’ Those two alone are already dead.

Well the good book states that ‘death and life are in the power of the tongue.’ And most people tend to underestimate the power of the words that they speak.

So does that then place me in a seat of judgment of those who have suffered the consequences of bad speech? No, I am simply an observer and have been observing lives, in relation to this matter, over the past decades. I have heard speaking and then observed the results of such statements.

So  let wisdom declare: put a watch over your mouth, put a guard over your tongue, and train your mouth to speak life giving words and resist the urge to unleash death upon your bright future.

For it is a universal truth that when you hear what people say, you see what people is.

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