Friday, August 5, 2011

How Daily Goals Make You Whole

I  thought I knew a lot about goalsetting until I was recently challenged on two occasions, from two different sources, to write down my goals EVERY DAY.

That’s right. Don’t just speak your goals out. Don’t just visualise them. Actually take a pen and paper and take some time out to write your goals EVERY DAY of your life.


Because, as I have written in previous articles, when you write down a goal on paper, there is an incredible power that is released in the universe that makes things happen.

I have seen it time and time again in my own life, to the point that I am more and more convinced that to live a successful and fulfilled life we MUST write our goals and carry them on our person; that includes our daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, short-term, long-term goals and even our life goals.

If you are going to move up from mediocre to excellence in your living then you need to develop the discipline of writing out your goals DAILY.

Well, I’m not going to leave it at that. I’m going to show you what has now become an important part of my own life.

Success requires the outworking of goals in our lives.

Start a notebook that is devoted to goalsetting. The reason? So that whenever you think of something that you would like to achieve in your life, then write it down. It will be an incredible record for you to enjoy in the years to come.

Then on a daily basis, as Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen encourage us to do in their book ‘The One Minute Millionaire’, write your six major goals.

This idea was promoted by Brian Tracy, the famous public speaker. He apparently writes his major goals down every day. It magnetizes his mind to what he really wants to accomplish that day.

To maintain balance within your life record your top goals in each of the following six areas of your life:

1. Physical
2. Intellectual
3. Spiritual
4. Organisational
5. Social
6. Financial

The important thing too is to write these goals as if you have already achieved your success.


So here are some examples of how you could write your own goals in those six areas:

1. Physical
I am happy because I exercise for twenty minutes four days a week and indoor cricket once a week. I weigh 78kgs.

2. Intellectual
I am happy because I have understood investment strategies and have purchased two investment properties.

3. Spiritual
I am happy because I spend time each day reading the Glorious Kuran and I pray Namaj, I read Hadith and apply its teachings to my daily affairs.

4. Organisational (Time)
I am happy because I work four hours a day six days a week. The rest of my time is devoted to my own education, for researching new deals and spending quality time with my family.

5. Social
I am happy because I have surrounded myself with a network of 100 key people.

6. Financial
I am happy because I have earned 10 Lacks during the past twelve months.

Now that you have an idea of how to write your goals, go ahead and write yours now.


Here are some other ideas that might help you in setting daily goals:

  • Write your six goals on a small card and carry it with you.
  • Use the word ‘happy’ in your goal setting because your attitude will determine your results.
  • Write the service, product or information that you plan to render and in what quantity or quality.
  • Refer to this card four times throughout the day, at breakfast, lunch, dinner and before you go to sleep.
  • Sign and date the card and share your card with someone who can keep you accountable.
  • Meet with this person to review your progress at least once a week.
  • Update your goal card at least once a month.
  • Think only of what you want. Visualize yourself earning the money that will transport you to your goal’s fulfillment.

Write. Read. Say and see your goals. Fulfilled goals happen!

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