Friday, August 26, 2011

Built To Build

Destruction is not the purpose of humanity, for all humans have been built to build.

And what are we to build?

1. We Are To Build Each Other

An encouraging word, a pat on the back, an uplifting text or email can change the course of one life in an instant. Be a builder, not a destroyer.

2. We Are To Build Strong Families

A nation is only as strong as the family unit. With the divorce epidemic rampant in our midst there is a need for us to stand up and say no to the ‘D’ word and to say yes to the ‘F’ word – and that word is FORGIVENESS.

3.  We Are To Build Strong Economies

And how do we do that? By working diligently, by giving generously, by providing excellent service, by helping others, and by putting them first in all we do. For those in business – if you serve your customers and your staff well, then they will serve you well. And if you work for a boss, then take ownership of the business and act accordingly as though it is your very own.

4. We Are To Build A Strong Faith

As a Muslim my faith comes from hearing and doing God’s word. There is no other way to develop my faith. And to my faith must always be added corresponding action, for faith without works is dead. I must practice what I preach, or else I am nothing but a hypocrite.

Make it your mission to be a builder, for you have been built to build.

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