Thursday, September 29, 2011

The hunger benefit

There is a benefit that arises from being hungry. It inspires the search. It initiates the hunt. It releases the motivator. It unveils the inspirator. It invites creativity, and it provokes innovation.

None of us like hunger pangs, but the very fact that we are hungry – for whatever reason – stirs us into action. There is an inbuilt mechanism that is set in motion to solve the problem, overcome the challenge, or climb the mountain that stands before us.

Hunger for the achievement of a goal. Hunger for the fulfillment of a dream. Hunger for the provision of a better life for you and your family. A hunger to be in the company of mentors and peers who have similar values to you.

So stop feasting on failure. Refrain from partaking of that dinner called defeat. Pull away from feeding with fools. Wisdom says that there is a fast that you need to partake of if you are ever going to be fully satisfied. And that place is the place called hunger.

For it is there that you will discover the greatest benefits. It is a chosen fast where you choose to delay gratification, so that when your win comes, it comes in the form of a full and magnificent menu. And it is here that you can eat secure in the fact that you have paid the price, that you have walked the talk, and that you have done all this with a spirit of humility and integrity and with patience.

Honour the hunger and give it pride of place in your satiated life.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The despair of compare

If there is one word of wisdom I can offer you today it’s this: stop comparing yourself to those around you.

The days of keeping up with the Jones or the Smiths are dead and gone. Stop looking at the other guys car, because if you knew the truth of it all, you’d probably be glad to know that you don’t have to pay his monthly lease bill. I have seen it time and time again – especially in tough economic times – the shedding of top end vehicles and full furnished bungalows because the vehicles and properties were never owned by the occupants in the first place. They were owned by the bank.  So stop comparing yourself with others and their stuff.

The only person you should be comparing yourself with is you and your last week, month or year’s performance.

Here are some questions to prime your personal comparison pump -

How far have you come?
What skills have you added to your resource in that time frame?
How much more money have you saved?
How much bad debt have you reduced?
How many credit cards have you cut up?
What have you produced in the past twelve months?
What new mentors have you added to your circle of influence?
What new friends have you added to your circle of peers?
How many people have you positively influenced?
How much money have you given to charity?
How much time or effort have you volunteered for no charge?
Have you grown as a person?
Are you more in love with your spouse and your children than last year?
But don’t’ spend one minute on a comparison analysis with someone else. It’s a total waste of time.

And as someone once told me, ‘If we all put our problems into a hat and then picked out of it someone else’s problems, we’d all ask for our own back.’

Learn to live in a state of dissatisfied satisfaction. Enjoy today, but continue to dream and hope for a better tomorrow. But whatever you do, don’t waste today worrying about what you could have done yesterday. Learn from yesterday, but don’t stay there. Do better today than you did then, and you will be assured of a better tomorrow.

Make it your focus to only compare your today’s efforts with yesterdays – with a constant mission to improve. This will set you up for some hugely successful tomorrows.

And remember this, that to compare yourself with others will only create one thing – despair. Don’t go there!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Abundance Is Your Portion

You were born to live in abundance. You were created for significance. You were planted on planet earth to succeed.

The pathway between your birth and death was designed for life – abundant life – more life than you could have ever thought possible.

But in order to experience that life you are going to have to pursue it, overtake it and possess it. You must speak it into existence. You must walk in it before it materializes. You must surround yourself with those who are living the lives that you desire as your own.

You need to prepare, study, associate, work, serve every step of the way – never being satisfied with the feeling of  ‘I’ve made it’, but ever pushing forward from one goal achieved to the next goal perceived.

Learn from your mistakes. Refuse to hold grudges. Be quick to forgive, and press on relentlessly. Know this: that you are a child of the King, and that nothing less than a royal existence is your birthright.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Be Not Subject To Reject

Even as I write this I am recovering from yet another rejection slip. Throughout the years I have received dozens of them in relation to my motivational session, my articles and other things that I have personally created. And even at this time of writing there is no school or offices who has ever accepted my paid services and responded with the word YES.

And even though that may be the case I have still self-published thousands of books that have been sold internationally, have recorded numerous albums and continue to create new and exciting productions.


Because I have learnt the secret of how to never come under the subjection of rejection.


1. Recognize That The Word NO Won’t Kill You – Go on. Stand in front of a mirror and yell at yourself the word NO. Go on. Say it ten times. How do you feel after that barrage of abuse? Oh you’re still breathing. It didn’t kill you? Amazing. So those bullets that you thought others were firing at you are actually only blanks after all.

2. Realize That You Don’t Need Another Person’s Recognition To Be Brilliant – So what if they don’t get it. And who are THEY anyway? They are other people’s opinions, and people’s opinions change like the wind.

3. Keep Dreaming BIG Dreams – Whatever you do, don’t stop dreaming. Dreams drive you to push forward with the next creation. So dream on and dream BIG.

4. Keep Creating Great Creations – As a creative person, to stop creating is to put to death the growth that is necessary for the creation of new and fresh ideas. So never stop the creation process.

5. Realize That There Is Always Another Way – In order to get your material before a wider audience, the Internet has opened up the floodgates for expression like never before. And much of it is freely available. So publish your creations online – whether it be in written word, photographs, videos or audio presentations. Get out there on the world wide web and make it happen.

6. Never Accept NO As The Final Answer – Someone’s no may lead to another’s yes. So keep moving. Keep creating. Keep presenting. Keep improving. Keep submitting. Keep trying. Keep going. Never stop. Never give up. You are worthy. Your creations are special. You are of value, and you have a voice that needs to be heard.

7. Never Stop Believing In Yourself – Be your greatest fan. Declare to yourself on a daily basis that Allah (God) created you for greatness, and stand firm in that greatness – ever giving thanks to God for the gifts He planted in your life to bring joy to Him, others and don’t forget the most important person on planet earth – yourself.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Voice Called Choice

The choices that we make on a minute by minute basis determine our destiny.

Every choice chosen has an immediate impact on our lives and on the lives of others. So when it comes to making choices – choose wisely.

In the scriptures we’re reminded of a time when a whole nation was given an instruction about making choices, and the two words that echo throughout the annals of history still hold true to this day, and they are the words, ‘Choose life!’

So how do we determine which choice to choose?

It’s quite simple.

If your choice, and the fruit of your choice, is going to breathe life into your life and into the lives of those around you, then that is a right choice.

On the flipside, if your choice, and the fruit of your choice, is going to deposit death into your life and into the lives of those around you, then you have clearly made the wrong choice.

This is why rash choice making is a dangerous habit to develop. The term ‘I need to sleep on it’ is a powerful guide that can protect you greatly from making premature and painful choices. And one simple directive is to recognise that the worst possible time to make life defining choices is when you are tired, sick or emotional.

Surround yourself with wise mentors with whom you can discuss your choices before making them final, and you may just begin to find that there may be another way.

There is always another way. There is always a better way. Our job is to simply position ourselves so that we learn to make right choices.

It is my observation that twenty years of making wrong choices ends up with one or more of these results – death, bankruptcy or destruction.

So let your voice  called choice speak life into every choice that you make – and because of those choices you will end up with a life that is both prosperous and constructive.

Choose life!

Monday, September 19, 2011

From Disappoint To Re-Appoint

Life is filled with the scheduling of appointments.

In fact, every time that you set a goal you have set up an appointment. Why? Because you have established something that you wish to achieve and have had the courage to attach a date to it.

But what if the date comes and the date goes, and nothing has changed? Don’t allow your disappointment to be your destination. Don’t set up a memorial on that deflating spot in your life. Simply reset the appointment, and reappoint the time and place that you are going to achieve that goal – and go again.

Remember this, that any great success consists of a succession of failures. Put each failure under your feet, and before you know it you will find yourself reaching that which you have dreamt of – the heights of outstanding success.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Faith your FEAR

Fear attacks without warning. It can assault you in the early morning before you arise from your bed. It can pierce your heart in broad daylight and then it can confront you in the deepest and darkest of nights.

Fear can be triggered by a statement, a bill, a phone call, a word or simply by a thought. Fear is a slippery, slimy wild pig that is not concerned with any form of etiquette, and will barge into your sphere unannounced and unwelcomed. Then like a parading lion it will seek out the weak or pounce when you find yourself in a weakened, tired or sickened state.

Fear is merciless. Fear is wily. Fear is a schemer. Fear is fatal – but only if you allow it to take up residence in your life.

But when the savage dog of fear speeds towards you, the best remedy to overcome and nullify the attack is to turn front on and stand still. For by standing your ground you have not only faced your fear, but you have in fact ‘Faithed Your Fears’.

The only power that fear will ever have over you is when you choose to turn and run. Fear will pursue you and hunt you down if you flee. But if you ‘Faith Your Fear’ and stand firm – never allowing fears ammunition to be uttered from your lips – but rather to speak words of faith in the face of fear – you will stand strong.

And what are some of those faith words? Well here are just a few that you can use when you find yourself being hemmed in by the wolverine pack called fear.

‘I can’, ‘I will’, ‘I have’ and ‘I’m more than able’.

And as a Muslim I add a few others like…

If Allah is with me me then who can be against me’ along with ‘No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

And with these weapons flowing from your mouth you will faith your fears all the way to victory.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dream Stealer

Original Author - Peter G. James

I have recently been embroiled in an ugly legal threat devised by men who have nothing better to do than to lure their prey into a net, and even before both myself and two other parties knew it, we were the victims of some vicious personal attacks aimed at destroying both ourselves and our businesses, and even some dear relationships that had been reforged between the time I first met these men until when the attacks began.

The sad thing is that these men are not what I would call stupid men.  They are seemingly gifted with great talent, but have allowed themselves, because of past challenges faced, to seek devious ways to get ahead.  And one of their greatest ploys seems to be that if their dreams are seemingly unachievable, that they will seek to steal or destroy the dreams of others in the process.  How childish!

So how do you guard yourself against these dream stealers?

Here are just a few ways that I have, through experience, not only kept my dream in tact, but at the same time ever-expanded my dreams.

1. Find Your Dream – The first thing is to have a dream.  This can only be acquired if you ask yourself some serious questions.  Have a conversation with yourself and ask yourself this question:  ‘If time and money were not restricted in any way, what would I do, have or be?’  Answer that and you will begin to unwrap not only your past, but your future and your present.

2. Hold On To Your Dream – Never ever let another human being take away your dream.  They may take your house, your car, your business, your bank account – but as long as you hold onto your dream all those things are replaceable.

3. Share Your Dream – Be selective in your sharing. For no matter what happens in your life,  you need to surround yourself with a company of people who will cheer you on.  By sharing your dream openly you are crystallizing it in your own mind while at the same time positioning yourself as one who is held accountable while in pursuit of your dream.

4. Secure Your Dream – Unfortunately the world is full of doubters who question anyone who calls themselves a dreamer.  You will hear the following: ‘How dare you think that you can do that? What right have you to think that you can have that?  You’re not qualified.  You don’t have the ability.  You’re not sufficiently skilled or educated’, and on it goes.

5. Pursue Your Dream – The great thing about doing business for myself is that I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission to succeed.  I simply get an idea and then follow it.  Now there have been times that I have hit roadblocks.  But some of those stoppages have taught me the best lessons.  So I simply get up, dust myself off and go again on the highway of successful dream fulfillment.

So be alert.  There are dream stealers all around you and I.  They may even be in your family.  But do not allow them to steal the dream that, once achieved, will even bless the thieves who endeavoured to rob you of your life’s destiny.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Vulnerability is an amazing place to be. Is it a nice place? Not at all. But it is a choice place.

It is a place where you can choose to hide under a rock, or a place where you can stand on the mountain top and declare,  ‘I may be vulnerable. I may be on my last legs. Opportunity may seem to be avoiding me at every turn, but I choose to stand up in my nakedness, stripped of all pride and potential, in the eyes of others, and yet I hold on to a number of assets that to me are worth millions: character, integrity, talents, gifts, ideas, and of course my dream.’

For vulnerability plus a dream speaks of one thing and one thing only: possibility.

Everything can be taken from you, but when you still hold on to the dream, you are clothed in the power to overcome all obstacles and to scale all opposition until you break through the winning tape with your chest.

Vulnerability  – the moment in time where the spirit of the victor is given the privilege and the opportunity to rise above and to go beyond.

Vulnerability is the place of creativity and the birthplace of champions.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What people say, you see what people is

Words in the mouth of the wise are as seeds, that if planted correctly will yield bountiful crops in those same lives in the next one, two, five or even ten years.

But the words of the unwise will do exactly the same. I have actually overheard two particular people who have said such things as, ‘I will not live to an old age’, and another ‘If I ever lose my wealth there will be nothing for me to live for.’ Those two alone are already dead.

Well the good book states that ‘death and life are in the power of the tongue.’ And most people tend to underestimate the power of the words that they speak.

So does that then place me in a seat of judgment of those who have suffered the consequences of bad speech? No, I am simply an observer and have been observing lives, in relation to this matter, over the past decades. I have heard speaking and then observed the results of such statements.

So  let wisdom declare: put a watch over your mouth, put a guard over your tongue, and train your mouth to speak life giving words and resist the urge to unleash death upon your bright future.

For it is a universal truth that when you hear what people say, you see what people is.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The power of giving

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make  a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog.  He dropped his tools and ran to the bog.

There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman’s sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

‘I want to repay you,’ said the nobleman. ‘You saved my son’s life.’

‘No, I can’t accept payment for what I did,’ the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer’s own son came to the door of the family hovel.

‘Is that your son?’ the nobleman asked.

‘Yes,’ the farmer replied proudly.

‘I’ll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy  If the lad is anything like his father, he’ll no doubt grow to be a man we  both will be proud of.’ And that he did.

Farmer Fleming’s  son attended the very best schools and in time graduated from St. Mary’s  Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout  the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the same nobleman’s son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.

What saved his life this time? Penicillin.

The name of the nobleman?

Lord Randolph Churchill

His son’s name?

Sir Winston Churchill.

Dream Direction

‘Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.’ Henry David Thoreau

Many live their lives being driven by circumstances – by making a living, by paying the mortgage, or by keeping up appearances.

May I suggest that there is a far better way to live your life. And that is to ‘go confidently in the direction of your dreams’. Make your dreams the compass that guides your every decision, and leads your every step.

At times the dream may even direct you to discard the acceptable, the normal, and to even abandon the status quo. But by doing so you will embark upon a life so exciting, so exhilarating, that at times it will even take your breath away.

To live a life totally bound by meetings, schedules, tasks, or programs can ultimately deaden the dream, if you let it. So make a point to at times choose to ignore the email, the voice mail, the diary entry, and pause to rediscover the dream. In confidence then take your next step in the direction of your dreams. Let it be the light that leads you through the darkness of a busy and demanding life.

Reach down into your pulsating heart and pull out your purpose. Reappoint. Reposition. It’s never too late. You will never ever reach your ‘use by’ date. Your dream is as fresh today as it was ten years ago.

All it takes is to confidently take a single step – the first step – in the direction of your dream, and you will be back on track, back in the game – ready to score the winning goal of a life lived well, and a life lived full.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Ways to Break-up with Stress

Stress is like a partner to many of us, who is always with us, making our lives miserable. But for some reason we are unable to Break-up with it. And you know? Stress is like a slow poison. It will kill your health, your dreams, your productivity very slowly. So let me give you five suggestions from my experience to avoid getting stressed.

1. Know Your Priorities: 
Most of the times we get stressed because we try to do everything. Accept that it's not possible. So please write down your priorities, focusing on your dreams and values. And be strict about it. Learn to say NO to less important things to say YES to more important things in your life.

2. Finish What You Start:
Another very common cause of stress is heap of unfinished projects. Lot's of SMS and Emails to reply, lots of unfinished blog posts (which you left to reply your tweet), piles of magazines and books left half-read (as you started reading another one). As the list grows, so does your stress. So make it a habit from today, to finish what you start. If something can't be done immediately keep it noted under DoItLater category.

3. Simplify Your Life: 
Wait! I am not going to advice you to be Gandhiji, to wear just loincloth. Just think for a moment, which complexity of your life makes you stressed? How do you feel when your more than one mobiles start ringing simultaneously, or all of your inboxes (as you have subscribed to every Email provider available)are flooded with mails, or you surf through 10-15 Social Networking Sites you use? If you simplify these aspects, you will feel much better. Some quick steps:

Use Single Mobile
Use maximum two Email Id (My Recommendation: Gmail + work)
Use one/two Social Networking Site (My Recommendation: Twitter, Facebook)
Get in a relationship (Lol! Otherwise it will make your life most complex)

4. Learn to Relax:
When people feel stressed, what they do is to dive into the pending works, and gets  more stressed within a few minutes. So whenever you feel stressed, stop! and RELAX! Nothing productive can be done with a troubled mind. How to Relax? Well you should find your own techniques, let me give you some suggestions:

  • Pray 
  • Have a walk (best if you can walk in the nature)
  • Do what you love (Like painting, playing games)
  • Spend time with your friends and family.

5. Remind Yourself "AALLL IZZZ WELLL!" :
People get stressed because they worry too much. My suggestion is to Stop Worrying and Start Living(as the title of the book by Dale Carnegie suggests) . As Rancho (the lead character in the bollywood movie "3 Idiots" ) says "Whenever you are in difficult situations, facing problems keep your hand on your heart and say AALLL IZZZ WELLL (All is Well). This may not solve your problem, but it will give you strength to look for the solution"

So wish you all a stress-free life. I will be coming up many more ideas on how to deal with the stress.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Faith As Our Currency

Throughout history the currency of many nations and its worth has fluctuated, and at times even become totally worthless. So to put your confidence in a nation’s monetary system alone is to build your foundations on shaky ground. This is where you need to invest in your faith account. And how do you do this? Well, I can only speak from personal experience.

So here are a few tips to enable you to position yourself time and time again for success.

1) Have Faith In God – I personally have faith in the Allah (The creator for the whole world) . And that faith is simply expressed in my trust and a confidence in my creator. So much so that I stake my life and my very existence on Him. In my life I have seen Him supply my greatest needs time and time again that proves to me that He is personally interested in my well being. I talk to Him as my friend and my mentor.

2) Have Faith In Your Strengths – I have consistently needed to identify my strengths and learn to operate in those strengths if I wished to walk in success and satisfaction. The first thing was to identify them. To do this I simply needed to recognize those things that I do naturally and the things that I have a passion for. And then I needed to do them on a consistent basis – ever seeking to improve along the way.

3) Have Faith In Others – Then I have at the same time learnt to delegate my weaknesses. This has been helped by gradually surrounding myself with a strong support network of people who can help me in these weak areas. Mentors are in this group. And the older I get the greater need for these is becoming more evident in my life. These individuals are strong individuals who assist, support and guide me in the daily decision and activity process that make up my life.

So no matter where I find myself in the world geographically or financially, this faith currency is the currency I use on a daily basis, and it sufficiently sustains me.

Try using it yourself, for it is of eternal value

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vocation = Vacation

‘The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.’ Mark Twain

There have been short periods in my life where I have found myself employed in a job that I didn’t suit and didn’t like. I didn’t stay there for too long, but learnt as much as I could from the experience before seeking out work that I enjoyed. I knew that this was going to be the only way that I was ever going to live an enjoyable and productive life.

I suppose that’s why I am in business for myself now. See, the thing that I really love to do is to create something new. And I suppose that’s what I’m in the business of doing on a daily basis.

I am reminded of my high-school years. There was this one maths teacher, one science teacher and one English teacher who inspired and encouraged this creativity in me. And it was no surprise that during those years that I had those three teachers that I excelled in those three separate subjects.

These days I create books, speeches, businesses and opportunities for not only myself to succeed, but to help others to succeed. And it is in this that I find my greatest joy, and it is in my current vocation that I find myself always on vacation. Work is not work for me – it’s fun, and because I love what I do I work hard and I often work long.

I’m not a ‘Thank God it’s Friday’ kind of guy. I declare seven days a week, as soon as I open my eyes of a morning, ‘Thank God it’s TODAY!’

So don’t be satisfied with second best. Find what you love doing and go do it. If at first you don’t succeed, don’t stop. Just keep trying until you find your vacation vocation.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Become A Powerhouse Of Possibility

Every one of us has a strength. And it is by tapping that strength and by strengthening that strength that we can produce the most productive life possible.

Strong people are those who have identified their strengths and use them on a daily basis to add value to their lives and to the lives of those around them.

There was a skinny little kid showing off to some of his little friends the muscles that were developing in his skinny forearm.

One of the bigger kids mocked him saying, ‘Hey Robbo, are you trying to break the record for the muscle that hangs down the lowest?’

All the kid’s laughed.

Unmoved, with the biggest possible voice that he could muster, he looked at all the kids eyeball to eyeball declaring, ‘My dad says that even though I may not have much muscle on the outside yet, I’ve got heaps of BIG muscles on the inside. And if I keep working out, one day every one of those muscles are going to pop out everywhere all over my body.’

No one had an answer to his response.

So be like the little boy and take the strength of the message found within this article. Apply it to your life and be the powerhouse of possibility that you were created to be.

If we’re ever going to achieve anything of significance in this lifetime, we must have a purpose GREATER than ourselves. It is this PURPOSE that will thrust us out of the world of mediocrity and into the world of the winner and the achiever.

So how do we find our purpose? Good question.

There are probably a million answers to that question, but let me share from my own experience. Maybe a bit of that will help you to discover your own personal strategy. All of us are different, but we can at least learn certain principles from another’s life.

The first thing that I did was this: I decided that I was going to be proud of who I was and of what I could do. I also decided that I was a person who had great value. I didn’t get concerned as to what others said or thought about me. I began to develop my own BELIEF in my own abilities. THIS WAS IMPORTANT.

Once that was firmly fixed in my mind, I began to identify my STRENGTHS. Now what are strengths? They’re the things that come to you naturally and the things that you do with a natural flair. You actually enjoy doing them.


So, this is what I did. I took a piece of blank paper and drew a line down the middle. On the left hand side I wrote my strengths (the things I’m naturally good at) and on the right hand side I wrote my weaknesses (the things I don’t find easy to do). Once I had done that I started to major on my strengths in everything I did. As I could, I started to delegate my weaknesses to others who were more gifted in those areas. Let’s face it! We can’t do everything.

It took me nearly ten years to finally realize this, and even today, as I face new situations and challenges, I constantly ask myself the question, ‘What are my strengths?’ I find that I am the most happiest when I am doing what I love doing (thinking and writing). For me, these things are easy to do and I get great joy out of it.

Because I’ve learnt to ask this question constantly, I now, AFTER MANY YEARS OF LEARNING, make my living out of my strengths. At the same time I delegate my weaknesses. The result is this: I do what I love to do every day of my life. WORK to me HAS BECOME FUN because I’m using MY STRENGTHS.

So in a nutshell, here is one way that can help you to clearly DISCOVER your PURPOSE.


Follow up this simple written exercise by CONSISTENT ACTION. Watch how you will start to live with GREATER ENERGY and GREATER PURPOSE than you have ever done before.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Seven Ways To Live The ‘Seven-Star’ Life

When it comes to living, don’t settle for ‘three-star’, ‘four-star’, ‘five-star’ or even ‘six-star’. Let’s aim for ‘seven-star’ living! So how do you achieve this?

Well here are seven tips to consider and apply immediately to your life.

Star 1 – Develop A Great Attitude

Every day you live, you and I have a choice to make. What attitude are you going to carry with you? Always choose a great attitude.

Star 2 – Develop a Vision For Your Life

Your vision will come from within and can be drawn from your natural gifts and desires. And if that’s not enough – tune into another leader’s vision and throw your weight behind it.

Star 3 – Write Your Goals

Written goals add power to your life. Having written goals now for over twenty years, I have seen too many things that I’ve written down come to pass to think otherwise.

Star 4 – Believe That Success Is Yours

If you don’t believe it, then who will? Think Success! Reject failure thoughts. Remind yourself consistently that you are a success and expect great things to happen in your life.

Star 5 – Destroy Fear Through Action

By simply choosing to act, even while the butterflies are still getting into formation in your stomach, fear will run from you.

Star 6 – Think Creative Thoughts

Immerse yourself constantly in an environment of creativity. One way to do this is to keep a journal and to take at least thirty minutes a day to record your thoughts. It is often in solitude that your greatest ideas will be birthed.

Star 7 – Help Others

You actually learn more when you teach others. The more you give away the more you will receive. Find someone who needs mentoring and start teaching. And as you’re mentoring seek your own mentor to teach you. It’s as simple as offering to meet over a cup of coffee – and make sure that you pay for them.

So don’t settle even for ‘five star’ or ‘six star’ living. Go to the top immediately and choose to live a quality ‘seven-star’ life.