Friday, April 15, 2011

I hate my job when (Own feeling)

I had a very hectic schedule last week and now managing to write on Sunday night  . So again finding a reason to get frustrated, feel helpless, get angry or many similar feelings. But when I think calmly for 2 minutes, temperature start to subdue. You might have seen forwards about  how your job is not the worst in the world and there are many jobs worse than yours. Here is my own version.
I Like My Job When …

1. I see from my office a person working on 12th floor of an underconstruction building both on a hot or rainy day.

2. I talk to a cab driver and he tells me he works throughout the night to get Rs. 200 inspite of all risks involved.

3. I see a cashier sitting in a closed 5*5 cabin for 12 hours in a honda showroom.

4. When I see security guards in various offices and societies trying to awake throughout the night when they have nothing that would help them to remain awake.

5. When I see salesman/saleswoman going from door to door trying to sell something in all kinds of weather and getting people’s harsh words on alternate doors.

Chalte Chalte :
You meet many people everyday and everyone has something to teach you. All you need is to pay attention and try to get some point from him. I met a person working for a privat bank and he said something that made me think. Each one of us get calls from people calling on behalf of banks and offering a credit card. We get disturbed and irritated and many of us reply with shouting.
This person said that just think about the preson who called you for credit card. This is his/her job and he/she has to do it. Don’t reply rude to them and make them feel bad about the job they are doing. You can just ask for their name and then say , ” Thanks XYZ for calling but I am not interested.” This small thing can make someone’s day a bit better. So next time when you get a call, get frustrated and about to yell, try this out. May be both their and your day becomes better.

1 comment:

  1. I have written this on Sunday night and published on Next Friday as there was already five post already scheduled in my blog....
