Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be Your Own Action Man

Be your own super-hero today by taking action.

Don’t be a spectator in the game of life. Be a participator.

Surround yourself with a team who will stand with you, fight for you, and believe in you. And discard the loser’s strategy – of  ‘Ready. Aim. Fire.’ That in most cases leads only to ineptitude and inaction.

Join the ranks of the achievers and believers who live their lives by the ‘Fire. Aim. Ready.’ philosophy.

With your manual  in one hand and your sword in the other, attack the enemy of your life – procrastination – and engage in mortal combat as you learn from the wealth of experience you are gaining whilst in full flight and full fight.

For there comes a time in your life when you need to take action – and that time is now.

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