Thursday, October 27, 2011


Every one of us has been given certain abilities. But in life, if we are to ever stand above the crowd, we must take those abilities and develop them if we’re ever going to make a significant contribution to the world in which we live.

I must admit that I have come across individuals more talented, more intelligent, more handsome, more connected, more capable, more financial, more able than myself who have failed to reach their full potential, because they have never fully developed or even used those abilities to benefit others.

And yet I have observed others who lack the charisma, the charm, the opportunity, and all the things that one would consider necessary to live an influential life, and yet they have soared. They have turned their limited abilities, in the eyes of others, into what I would call ‘poss-abilities’.

And what is required to take the ordinary and turn it into the extraordinary?

Here are just a few courageous qualities that I have identified in those who live lives filled with ‘poss-ability’.

1. They Have The Courage To Dream

Dreamers are those who dare to live differently. They are forged with a desire to make a difference, to contribute, and to inspire. And it all starts by having the guts to dream something bigger than their ability.

2. They Have The Courage To Take Action

A dream on its own is simply a dream. A dream backed up with a plan and corresponding action is a dream being fulfilled. It positions the dreamer to do one of three things – win, fail, or to have an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Through the lessons they learn they will become stronger.

3. They Have The Courage To Persist

Once action has begun, there is going to be a time where persistence will need to kick in. This is the period between identifying the dream and actually fulfilling the dream. This gutsy persistence separates those who think that they have a dream from those who know for a fact that the dream is real and true, and will require a double dose of determination to see its ultimate fulfillment. This is where the champion takes over – all the way to victory.

Through these courageous qualities someone’s ability is totally transformed into that wonderful creature called ‘Poss-Ability’.

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