Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Program your brain

Look at this incredible statistic:

According to Dr. Edward Miller, Dean of John’s Hopkins’s University,

Nine out of ten people who have gone thru heart bypass surgery do not change their behaviors or lifestyles after surgery knowing they face death as a result of not changing!

It’s sad but true. There is also a way to stop this.

  • Is there something in your life you are trying to change or stop?
  • Do you want to make more money but don’t?
  • Do you want to have better health but can’t change your eating and excerise habits?
  • Do you want to eliminate low self-image?
  • Get your employees or yourself to adopt new behaviors, but you can’t?

Read on to find out why this happens.

Why some people are able to achieve the success they want in life while others struggle daily as if fighting for the air they breathe.

The research that keeps coming back over and over again points to the human brain.

You are currently wired to experience and achieve exactly what your current results are showing you. Please don’t get me wrong, you are capable of much more, and that is why you are frustrated.

The way we are raised and taught when we are young will determine our results as an adult. If you are not happy with certain results in your life right now, you must change from the inside out.

Using will power and persistence is a temporary act that fizzles out very quickly, as you already know.

Your brain controls all your perceptions and behaviors. Unfortunately, its responsibility is to keep you at whatever current result you are getting. Nothing less and nothing more.

Sure, you can trick it to losing weight or making more money, but it will almost always bring you back to your current level of non-conscious expectations and true beliefs. That is its job.

The “Hard-Wiring” in your brain is your current level of programming or conditioning. You may not like it, but it’s the truth.

You can never achieve more in your life without adding new and “better programming”.

It’s like upgrading software on your computer. If you want better performance from your computer, you do something to the inside, not the outside.

Here’s the good news:

Using the latest in brain research and physics we now have brand new ways to get “inside” your head to help you make the mental shifts you must make first, in order to see the changes in your life on the outside.

People have been using the wrong tools for making change and that is why it is so frustrating. With the advancements we’ve made in science, many more people will be able to make more money and finally live the lives they dream of, in total health and balance.

It takes about 15 minutes a day to rewire the neural circuits of the brain and the results are amazing.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bombard Your Subconscious

I once heard from someone who I would consider quite an impressive motivational speaker, “if you were a computer programmer and the program you created did not work like you wanted it to, what would you do? You would rewrite it, correct?”

Well, your own “programs” should be and really are no different. Through visualizations and a better understanding of what is the law of attraction, you have already identified the areas you need to change and created a plan to change them. Now all you need to do is rewrite that program. How? By bombarding your subconscious.

You already know how to implant new beliefs and so you should be integrating at least one new belief right now. What method of “reprogramming” are you currently using?

Do you write your new beliefs down on paper? Do you look at a collage and/or vision boards? Do you listen to a tape? Have you added visualization to your routine, seeing yourself living the life of your dreams? No matter which method you choose, you are bombarding your subconscious with that new belief, and it will have no choice but to give in and accept it as part of its reality.

What’s my personal visualization process?

I am having a little recorder and I tape myself saying my new belief and play it over and over. Then I write out my new belief and read it over and over. And then finally I visualize that I am already there.

Basically, I am going to my computer hardware (my subconscious) and I’m taking out the old disk (belief) and putting in the new disk (belief), and so it replaces the old one. I just keep seeing this over and over again. I visualize that all the programs in my head are disks.

And soon I get to the point where that image is in my head all the time, now it has become a habit. And this is perfect because your subconscious rests as much as your heart or your blood… which is never!

The methods I use change, like visualizations or vision boards, tapes or pen and paper, etc., because I am constantly changing. If I feel a method is not working for me any more, I change it. There are plenty of methods to choose from!

Like a motivational speaker should be able to see when his audience is no longer engaged, he tries something else, you must be able to see when your own sub conscious is no longer engaged. When you see that happen, it’s time to change methods.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

7 Reasons You Should Never Check Email First Thing In The Morning

“Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it.” -  Richard Whately
#1 – Ignorance Is Bliss..fully Productive
When it comes to email, ignorance is bliss.  That’s why if you’ve got something important you want to make progress on, I have these four words for you:
Don’t check your email.
As soon as you get up, work on something important for 30-45 minutes, and only then check it. If you can stand it, wait even longer.  Some days I don’t check email at all until after lunch.
And you know what? As long as you’re ignorant of everything else that’s going on outside, you can concentrate on what you want to work on.
You don’t know what fires need to be put out, you don’t know about that special sale that’s going on today and you don’t know about that funny video your buddy sent you.
Any new information you get can cause you to get distracted. On a quick tangent, this is also why I often don’t look at any news in the morning, don’t turn the TV on, and listen to audiobooks or educational podcasts instead of the radio in my car – I don’t want anything to distract me.  I can’t control everything, but I can control my own self made distractions.
#2 – It’s Not Your To do List
Do you know what is most important for you to work on?  Do you know the first thing you want to do this morning? Then go ahead and do it!
On the other hand by checking email, you risk doing what someone else wants you to do.  Every time you open an email, you should consider whether it’s more important than everything else on your task list – but realistically, how many of us actually do that?
If you don’t, then the items you end up working on (even if it’s just replying and giving information) end up being tasks for other people rather than yourself.
Or more bluntly, when you check your inbox, the emails you get are a to do list someone else makes for you.
Who is in charge of your time – you, or the person emailing you?
#3 – It’s An Excuse To Lack Direction
Let me ask you this: Why are you checking email first thing in the morning anyway?
Frequently it’s because you don’t know what you’re supposed to be working on.
And I’m certainly not immune to this myself.  If I’m checking my inbox too often, that’s frequently an early warning sign that my to do list has gotten off track somewhere.
Let me get on my soapbox for a second:  Don’t use checking email, cleaning your desk, or random metawork to distract you from the important tasks you need to do. If you’re blindly checking email first thing in the morning, the real problem isn’t that you’re wasting time checking email – the real problem is that you don’t see checking email as a low priority activity, because you haven’t decided what the high priority activities area.
When you don’t have a clear list of priorities, checking email becomes an urgent activity that you do at the expense of your important ones.
If this strikes a nerve with you don’t worry – it’s easy to fix.  Check out my discussion on the urgent versus important time management matrix. And stop checking email so frequently =)
#4 – Reaction vs “Proaction”
When you check your email, the best case scenario is you checked at exactly the right moment, just when a super important email came in – and you can take action right away.  How often does that actually happen? Rarely.
More frequently, one of two things happens:  in the relatively “good” case, there is absolutely nothing new for you to do. In  that case, you’re wasting your time checking your email anyway, and you can check it less often.
That’s usually not the case though is it? Often when I check email, the worst case happens:  I end up with more work to do – and because we’re in “check email” mode, we start replying to them at the expense of the task we were just working on. Rather than actively setting an agenda, email forces you to react to items as they come in – regardless of their true priority.
I prefer taking proactive actions – what I call pro action. Work on the things that are important to you, regardless of whether they’re urgent or simply at the top of your inbox.
Stop wasteful actions, and focus on productive actions instead.
#5 – Searching For Excuses
I know for me personally, if I’m blindly checking email (or Twitter, or Facebook, or any number of ways I waste time online) I’m usually not checking for anything important – I’m usually just searching for an excuse to not do the work I know I must do.
I’m searching for any reason why I can tell myself later I didn’t get the work done that needed to be (“I had to help John with that report” or “I had to research that question for Mike”).
Don’t fall into that trap. Don’t give yourself an out by checking your email for an excuse to fail.
Don’t check your email if you’re looking for a way out of the task at hand – acknowledge the task you need to get done, and do it.
Cross that bridge – it’s not going away.
#6 – There’s No Set Time Limit
Meetings get a bad rap for being a waste of time – but at least you usually know how long a meeting will last.
If I asked you how long you’re going to spend on email once you open your inbox, odds are you don’t know – or you’ll underestimate it.
The problem is, checking email only takes a minute – but you can get sucked into follow up activities that result from opening your email, and there’s no way of knowing how much time these will take.
In fact, I have had days where I’ve checked my email, and literally not gotten out of my inbox until after lunch.
You have a set time limit for how many productive hours you have in a day – don’t let email suck you in and cause you to devote more time to it than you can afford.
#7 – It Builds Expectation
A lot of people tell me “But I have to check my email!  People expect a response from me in the morning!”
First of all, I don’t believe that.  There are some requests that require immediate responses, but they’re much less frequent than you might think. Second of all, let’s not just accept that expecting a response is the only option – let’s ask ourselves why that is.
Do you know why people expect a response from you in the morning?
It’s probably because you’ve always responded first thing in the morning and you’ve built that expectation.
The more often you check email, the more often people will expect you to check it.  Just stop checking it first thing in the morning, and people won’t expect it anymore.
=). I know, easier said than done.  Don’t worry, after the first week or two nobody will think anything of it.
If You *Must* Check Email…
Some of you may protest – “That’s how I keep in touch with my team!” or “I need to hear back before I can move forward.”   I can understand that – there are times when I am expecting to hear back on something important (not just urgent) and do briefly check email first thing in the morning as well
Here’s the thing: If you must, constrain yourself to only check a limited subset of email, and I recommend you follow these rules:
  • Only check if there is something specific you are looking for.Most important – don’t go fishing around. Check it with a specific plan, a specific email you’re looking for from a specific person.
  • Separate low value emails via filters (“rules” in outlook) or separate email addresses so you don’t even see them in your inbox when you check
  • Set a time limit.  Commit to checking for 5 minutes, just to look for that one piece of information – and have your exit strategy ready. Before you open your inbox, decide what you’ll do if 1) the email is there 2) the email isn’t there 3) the email is incomplete. Don’t be reactionary – proactively decide what action you will take based on the outcomes you expect.
Now, go forth, and do something, anything, but don’t check your email too often =)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why is money important?

Take any group of 100 people at the start of their business or working career and follow them for 40-50 years until they reach retirement: Here’s what you’ll find, according to the Social Security Administration:

Only 1 will end up rich
4 will be financially comfortable
5 will have to continue to work because they have to
36 will be dead
54 will be dead broke and have to depend on the government, friends, family or charity to survive
I know it’s an odd question, but which one will you be (or are you already)?

What is the real difference between these people?

Some have college degrees and others have little or no education.

There are a few millionaires who were born wealthy, and there are many who do it on their own, the old fashioned way — they earn it.

There are millionaires in every country in the world, regardless of location or circumstances.

The truly wealthy people, those who have money, health, great relationships and a spiritual connection, all have one thing in common:

They understand that in order to achieve what they want, they must learn to think and act in certain ways.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A tale of two shoe salesmen

There is a tale about these two shoe salesmen who travel to a third world country in search of new business opportunities.

One man calls his wife the moment he lands, telling her, “Honey, I’m coming back home. There’s no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there’s no one to sell to.” He boards the next flight home.

The second man calls his wife and says, “Honey, you wouldn’t believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country!”

There’s opportunity everywhere. When we have a consciousness of expecting the magic to happen, it will happen. We’ll find the right people, we’ll move in the right circles, we’ll ‘bump’ into the right solutions. It all starts with that opening in the mind.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Steering Through Uncharted Waters

Long ago I read about a study on goal setting. This study revealed that the number one reason most people do NOT write down their goals is for fear of not achieving them.

The best acronym I’ve ever heard for fear is:

(F)alse (E)motions (A)ppearing (R)eal

Never let fear take you off course before you’ve even left the harbor!

It’s very easy—and normal—for a captain to get scared when entering uncharted waters. But this is your life—your ship—and if you want to get to your destination, you must sail on.

When we get caught in life’s storm, fear begins to set in if we do not know how to handle the inclement weather. Great captains learn to chart their course and prepare as best as they can for the storms. They learn to use the wind to fill their sails, not destroy them.

You can learn to be a great captain of and for yourself. It will take more than a certified life coach to help get you there; it will take your time and your effort. Yet, honestly, it is no more time and/or effort than living a mediocre life. It’s up to you.

For you to make headway in your journey, you must be totally honest about where you are today. It serves no purpose to lie to yourself about where you currently are. You must understand that where you are now is only the result of past thinking and planning (or lack of either or both).

You can achieve new results if they are carefully thought through and monitored so your outcome is consistent with your desires and dreams. So what are you waiting for—anchors away! Time to allow the law of attraction to work for you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If you could live your life over

Dr. Anthony Campolo, Professor of Sociology, Eastern College, St. Davids, Pennsylvania, shares the results of a survey where 50 people 95 years and older were asked: “If you could live your life over what would you do differently?” The answers surprised me. These old folks said that if they could live their lives over they would…

1. Reflect more.

These seniors said they would take the time to think about what was going on and live their lives along well-thought-out priorities. They would contemplate the meaning of life, family, work and much more.

2. Risk more.

These wonderful aged human beings said they would have taken more chances in life. If they could re-live their lives they wouldn’t be so scared to take risks. They would have developed more courage to venture out of their comfort zones.

3. Do things that would outlast them.

They wanted to know that their lives counted for something, that long after they left this world, somehow their impact would live on. We all can learn something from these people about setting goals.

Let’s take a moment to consider what they said as you set the course for your life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Steve Job's Life in Video

I always find the lives of highly successful people very inspiring, such as Steve Jobs, founder of Apple.

His story is a great example of passion and skills in big business, innovation, professional pitfalls and rebounds, belief in self, intense inner-drive,  and staying true to his vision.

Watch this video documentary, then take a moment to ask yourself how he managed to stay so positive.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

73 Best Business and Success Lessons

  1. You can really Lead Without a Title.
  2. Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.
  3. Give away what you most wish to receive.
  4. The antidote to stagnation is innovation.
  5. The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having.
  6. Leadership is no longer about position – but passion. It’s no longer about image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0.
  7. The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.
  8. Visionaries see the “impossible” as the inevitable.
  9. All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.
  10. The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you’ll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.
  11. To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the height of your self-image.
  12. The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and acceptable) part of your life.
  13. The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless perseverance.
  14. The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.
  15. The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It’s their energy. Manage it well.
  16. The fears you run from run to you.
  17. The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.
  18. The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.
  19. Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values.
  20. Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do.
  21. You’ll never go wrong in doing what is right.
  22. It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.
  23. Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.
  24. A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work.
  25. Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.
  26. Saying “I’ll try” really means “I’m not really committed.”
  27. The secret of passion is purpose.
  28. Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.
  29. To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing to do.
  30. Go where no one’s gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you.
  31. Who you are becoming is more important than what you are accumulating.
  32. Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become all they can be.
  33. To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people.
  34. The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Investing in your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.
  35. Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.
  36. Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.
  37. Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one.
  38. Understand the acute difference between the cost of something and the value of something.
  39. Nothing fails like success. Because when you are at the top, it’s so easy to stop doing the very things that brought you to the top.
  40. The best leaders blend courage with compassion.
  41. The less you are like others, the less others will like you.
  42. You’ll never go wrong in doing what’s right.
  43. Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area.
  44. The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make but the leader you become.
  45. Passion + production = performance.
  46. The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.
  47. Stand for something. Or else you’ll fall for anything.
  48. Say “thank you” when you’re grateful and “sorry” when you’re wrong.
  49. Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday.
  50. Small daily – seemingly insignificant – improvements and innovations lead to staggering achievements over time.
  51. Peak performers replace depletion with inspiration on a daily basis.
  52. Take care of your relationships and the sales/money will take care of itself.
  53. You can’t be great if you don’t feel great. Make exceptional health your #1 priority.
  54. Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you had.
  55. As we each express our natural genius, we all elevate our world.
  56. Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.
  57. People do business with people who make them feel special.
  58. All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers.
  59. Treat people well on your way up and they’ll treat you well on your way down.
  60. Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It really is simple. Not easy. But simple.
  61. The business (and person) who tries to be everything to everyone ends up being nothing to anyone.
  62. One of the primary tactics for enduring winning is daily learning.
  63. To have everything you want, help as many people as you can possibly find get everything they want.
  64. Understand that a problem is only a problem if you choose to view it as a problem (vs. an opportunity).
  65. Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise plans/goals/deliverables. And then block out all else.
  66. The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure.
  67. Lucky is where skill meets persistence.
  68. The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts.
  69. The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the best to do.
  70. Every single person in the world could be a genius at something, if they practiced it daily for at least ten years (as confirmed by the research of Anders Ericsson and others).
  71. Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The best Leaders Without Titles are the fittest.
  72. Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via books/audios/seminars and coaching.
  73. The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your people.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

5 Ways To Protect Your Business

Protect Your BusinessSmart businesspeople are preparing for the possibility that the global economy will fall apart. No one knows what the future will bring but many pundits are growing more and more concerned with the ballooning debt of many nations. So to borrow from a focal point of GE’s CEO, “protect the enterprise”.
Protect The Enterprise. Whether you run a solo business or lead a team of 10,000, I suggest it’s worth your time and energy to think through how you will protect your enterprise – and actually grow it – while your market peers get bounced around in the waves of uncertainty.
Here are 5 practical steps to build a strong company:
5 Ways To Protect Your Business
1. Have a Board of Advisors. Find people who have built great companies and ask them to sit on your advisory board. Meet every quarter. Show them your numbers. Share your struggles. Listen to-and act on-their advice.
2. Set Up A Peace of Mind Fund. Install a reserve fund with at least 12 months (and ideally 24 months) of operating expenses. Set it up so a portion of your monthly sales automatically goes into this account. You’ll sleep better at night knowing your business can run even if income slows down.
3. Focus on People and Culture. The single best way to protect your business is to hire top talent and invest in training your people so they  amp up their performance in good as well as hard times. And work on your culture. That’s the “special sauce” that brings out the best in a team.
4. Work On Your Business vs In It. The old Michael Gerber distinction is key here. I spoke at a YPO/EO event last week and met a young entrepreneur who’d just sold his company. I asked him for the single best move he made. “I worked on my business vs in it.” He explained his core concentration was on building systems and processes so the business ran superbly without him. (At the upcoming The Remarkable Entrepreneur™ SuperConference I’ll teach you exactly how to do this as well as execute flawlessly on each of these 5 winning tactics so your business is bullet-proofed against difficult times).
5. Become Obsessed with Value Creation. This is not some pie in the sky idea. It’s a hard-hitting business growth tactic. Obsess (yes, obsess) over how you can add more value to more people and the revenues will take care of themselves.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How do you talk to yourself?

 I have been doing quite a bit of research on the power of our “self-talk” and the amount of negative stuff that goes on in one’s mind is staggering.

It actually isn’t surprising when over 90 percent of what is on television and all around us points to negative news or lack.

We’re actually trained to look for what’s bad or what can hurt us before we are ever trained on seeing what’s good or possible.

We are wired to “see” negative all around us and it’s time to stop. The results are devastating and ruining many people’s lives.

I find people will fall into one of four categories:

  • Negative Self-Talk
  • Neutral Self-Talk
  • Positive Self-Talk
  • Enlightened Self-Talk

To understand their true power, look at the language that goes with each category.

Negative Self-Talk
I am not good enough
I am not smart enough
I am not young or old enough
I am not the right color
I am not this or that; you can fill in your own blanks here
I can’t do this or that because…
And then we make up a story to justify the reason. For the most part these are lies!

The Result: A life of lack and limitation backed by doubts, fears and pain. Negative self-image.

Neutral Self-Talk
I should get busier
I should get a better job
I should find a better partner
I should lose weight
I should stop procrastinating
I should…
These people are living on the negative side of comfort and will remain that way until the pain of mediocrity gets to them.

The Result: A very average life that feels it is being wasted. Possibly comfortable, but not totally engaged and pretty average. Average self-image.

Positive Self-Talk
I can or will do that
I am smart enough
I am good enough
I can or will learn that
I can and will change
I can and will overcome this
I can and will adapt to…
I can and I will find out how to…
The Result: A life that feels worthwhile and capable. Usually high self-worth and positively comfortable. Life is very enjoyable here.

Let me suggest that there is yet another breed of Self-Talk is emerging and it’s called:

Enlightened Self-Talk
GOD loves everyone, including me
GOD is in everyone, including me
Love is for everyone, including me
Peace is for everyone, including me
Happiness is for everyone, including me
Abundance is for everyone, including me
Health is for everyone, including me
Joy is for everyone, including me
Fun is for everyone, including me
Smiles are in everyone, including me
Faith is in everyone, ESPECIALLY ME
The Result: An entire society of individuals that respect themselves and each other which leads to highly productive people living their life the way our creator intended them to live-with total abundance and joy.

Please choose to live in an enlightened world with our fellow citizens and me.

Mohammed Sufiyan Khan

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The One Major Key for Achieving Outstanding Results

Sometimes it seems as if people were born without instruction manuals and yet are forever trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together on the fly. But the truth is, research in the field of human potential and performance shows the amazing abilities that every person has and how each person taps into them. In fact, one of the greatest discoveries ever is how the subconscious mind gets programmed and how it controls almost everything people do.

But I’d first like to explain one simple idea that I know will open your mind to actually understanding your true potential. First and foremost, understand that the intelligence that created you made no errors in his creation. We are pure intelligent energy with amazing capabilities.

For the purpose of this report, I am going to focus on one of the most important pieces of information you will ever read.

Your subconscious mind has three very distinct responsibilities, and the one we will deal with today is called your ‘psycho-cybernetic mechanism.’ This single piece of information can, and will drastically change your life if you totally understand it and use it! Read the entire explanation, and then get ready to see amazing results in your life.


A cybernetic mechanism is simply how a system operates automatically. One such system is our brain and nervous system. This is called a psycho-cybernetic mechanism. Another cybernetic system can be mechanical, such as how your home-heating and air-conditioning system works.

As an example of how a ‘cybernetic’ mechanism works, I want you to think of the thermostat in your home that you have set at 70 degrees. Now, let’s say that someone opens a window in the house and heat comes in. The control center (the brain) of the thermostat picks up a deviation from the ‘set’ program (being 70 degrees) and automatically sends a message through the electrical system to the furnace that the air conditioning should be turned on. This happens in a nanosecond, and the air conditioning kicks in until the temperature reaches the original set program on the thermostat that you or someone else originally set.

Sounds pretty simple right?

Let’s get to the fun part…

As children, we are programmed and conditioned to have beliefs in each area of our life. All of your beliefs about your potential in each and every area of your life were installed in you by your parents, teachers, caregivers, through the books you read and the experiences you had.

All of our ‘mental programs’ are housed in our subconscious mind and operate automatically just like the ‘set temperature’ in the furnace story.

Our teachers instilled in us the best information they knew and had at the time. Through repetition and study a ‘mental program’ is created in your subconscious mind. The mental programs that each of us have are not good or bad, they just are (some serve us better than others). Once they are embedded in your subconscious mind, they operate automatically exactly like the set temperature on the thermostat.


So, here’s an example of how this marvelous system works in us:

Let’s say that your internal mental image or current self image for your body weight is 85 Kg. This weight is maintained automatically by your subconscious mind. You will eat and do everything that is in exact accordance with that mental image and set program.

Now, one day you consciously decide that you want to lose weight and you go on a diet. You use your will power to eat differently and you may even start to exercise. Sounds good right? It works for a while and then what happens?

The majority of people gain all their weight back within a very short period of time. Some even gain more!

Here’s why…

No different than the thermostat on the wall, your ‘brain’ senses a deviation from the existing self-image or set ‘internal program’ for your weight and does everything it can and must do, to keep you at the weight that is programmed in the subconscious mind.

It is just doing its job, and this all happens just as fast as in the example with the furnace. Your nervous system operates at lightning speeds. Unless you change the image on the inside first, the outside will never reflect the new weight for very long.

Your subconscious is your power source. Most people use their conscious mind to try and lose weight and they are for the most part, just wasting their time.

God created a perfect system, but didn’t give our parents or us the instruction manuals to operate them perfectly. And you can be certain that you and I operate perfectly.


Your body and brain are the most sophisticated pieces of equipment known to man. And it’s your sole responsibility to understand how to use them to maximize their potential. If you don’t because you are lazy or uninterested, you will succumb to settling for much less than you are truly capable of.

It is your job to understand exactly how all of your internal mental and external systems work.  Not knowing exactly how you really function at every level limits your potential and your results.


Here’s another example…

Let’s say you want to double your financial intake and you do not re-program your subconscious mind. You may have a great month and make a lot more money than in any other month before. As soon as you start to produce better results than you have in the past, your ‘cybernetic’ mechanism will pick up a deviation from the existing financial ‘self-image’ and you will automatically revert back to behaving in total sync with the current internal image you have in your subconscious mind.

You will start to do everything possible to keep consistent with the old self-image without even being aware of it – except, now you are!

Here’s some more food for thought…

Think of some of the extreme groups in our society that believe in order for them to have peace or go to heaven, everyone else except those who believe their ways, must die. Their beliefs are not ‘wrong,’ their beliefs are just what they have been taught and programmed to believe. Their beliefs are survival mechanisms that have been instilled in them at a subconscious level for centuries.

If you believed, rightly or not, that your survival was on the line…what would you do? What would you teach your children about that ‘perceived’ threat?

Begin to understand that you have unlimited potential and that your ‘old conditioning’ or set programs automatically control the thoughts, behaviors and actions that are in harmony with that belief.

As soon as an idea presents itself that is foreign to your nervous system you automatically begin to rationalize or tell yourself ‘rational-lies’ on why you can’t make more money, share land with someone, get a promotion or lose the weight you want. This happens so fast it requires no thought on your part.

There is an incredible force and intelligent energy at work that we cannot see; yet it is part of us and is everywhere. All we have to do is to learn about all of our true physical and mental abilities and the question of our potential suddenly takes on a new meaning.

You have probably heard that we as humans only use about seven to 10 percent of our potential.

With that in mind, may I suggest that you stop doubting your potential and limits, and start questioning where the doubts and fears that are holding you back came from and then begin to eliminate them!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to Become Fulfilled and Rich

In Getting Rich Your Own Way, Srully Blotnick points to a study in which 1,500 young people were divided into two groups.  Group A consisted of people who were embarking on a career for the money.  Group B consisted of people who chose their career because that’s what they loved to do.  The number of people in Group A outnumbered the people in Group B by a margin of 5-1.  Researchers followed these two groups for 20 years.  At the end of 20 years, 101 of 1,500 participants were millionaires.  However, the amazing thing is that all but one of the millionaires came from Group B.  Only 1 out of 1,250 people from Group A became wealthy, even though all of them made money pursuing their primary career objective.  Yet 100 of the 250 from Group B became wealthy by simply pursuing what made them happy.

If you are not trading your life for what you truly love, it may be time for a change.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stop the fight

Have you ever wondered why you have the desire to want more in and of your life?

Every one of us has the desire to grow and expand beyond our current condition and that is perfectly normal.

I’d like to suggest that the reason you want to grow and expand is because that is what your spiritual side wants.

You and I are spiritual in nature and we happen to have a body and a brain.

Spirit always wants fuller and limitless expression because Spirit knows no boundary except the ones we mortal humans place on ourselves.

There is a constant fight that goes on between the body, wanting comfort and homeostasis, and our spiritual side, which is limitless and endless.

The reason we desire and seek greatness in our life is because we are capable of it.

The higher side of our being wants to express itself through you and me and it’s our responsibility to accept the dreams, goals and passion that stir our hearts and souls.

It is spirit wanting to create and manifest on the physical plane. You and I could not have the thoughts and desires we have without the ability to fulfill them.

Our spirit uses our body to accomplish things here on earth. It is our destiny to be, have, create and become all that we desire.

Take this moment to reconnect with everything you want to do, everything you want to be, everything you want to contribute and know that all you have to do is choose and spirit moves immediately to help you accomplish whatever you desire.

Waste not your life in silent desperation to have more. Expect more and ask for more, go for more and please…… don’t forget to give more.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Everyone is a CEO

Everyone Is A CEO
CEO is not some special title reserved for a chosen few. CEO is an attitude. CEO is a belief system. CEO is a philosophy for life. It’s a way of living that leads to remarkable results on all levels.  Everyone can walk the way of CEO. Here are 5 steps to help you:
1. Stay at the Edge
Serious achievers look for and love change. They’ve learned to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. To play full out in your field, to lead in life, you must hug the edge. Uncertainty is big opportunity for those that lean into the ride. Look to the front-runners, they understand that the edge is the safest place to be during times of uncertainty.
2. Perfect Positive Perspective
Your life is too big to play with the smallness of a negative perspective.
3. Take Ultimate Responsibility for Results
No blame. No excuses. Not today. Not ever. When challenged, successful people ask “What am I going to do about it?” And do it.
4. “I Am…” Statements
You become the story you sell yourself. Anthony Hopkins, otherwise known as,Sir Hopkins, Renaissance Man and Living Legend cautions “Be careful what you feed your brain. What happens if you pour negative information in there, or positive information? You change the balance of your nature.”
CEO’s that win shred the negative internal audio with powerful “I Am” statements.
5. Open up the View
Innovative CEO’s invent fresh ideas.  They think and talk beyond trends and headlines. They contribute fresh, cutting edge, not-rolling-off -everybody’s- tongue type knowledge. Ask yourself, who would influence you more? The CEO who originates ideas or borrows them? Invent, share and invite fresh ideas.
6. Constant State of Motion
If you let things slow down, they deteriorate. Maintain a constant state of motion. Vow at sunrise to make change happen before sunset.  Tension (passionate goal setting) is a fantastic way to stay out of stagnation.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What is your true net worth?

Assalam wa alekum,

So many people look at their financial status as an indicator of their net worth and I frankly don’t agree with this logic.

We are so caught up in our society by seeing how much each of us has financially but the true picture can’t be that shallow or empty. How can we allow green paper with ink on it to define our “net worth”?

Let me walk you through what I see as the real measure of your true “Net Worth.”

Our lives are multi faceted and thank god we are all created with a multitude of talents, abilities and varying interests. What if we started to look at our true net worth by looking at life as it is, and not just through the jaded eyes of finances.

Since we all basically are playing six games simultaneously, lets measure each section and give each one a point factor that determines the “net worth” of each section. The areas to consider are. Spiritual, Relationships, Contribution, Financial, Health and Career.

So for example…

We all have relationships with friends, family, co-workers, maybe kids, etc. So ask yourself on a scale of one to 10, what point value do you give your relationship with…

Your kids, your spouse, your best friends, your colleagues, etc.

Give each one a point value and then I move on to another section.

What you’ll find as I have, is that you may be at a 10 in contribution but a 6 financially. Relationships and spirituality may be at a 9 and health may be slightly lagging behind.

In either case, I’ll bet you that when you look at the whole picture rather than just a small part like money, you’ll see that your “Real Net Worth” is much greater than you gave yourself credit for.

We all go through the ups and downs of life and I find it easier to go through them when I refer to an area that is peaking versus and area that is not doing as well. It’s the ebb and flow of life and nobody is impervious to it.

Start to look at yourself and your life on many fronts and you’ll always be able to find an area that you are content with or can quickly improve.

Learn to change what you can and let go of what you can’t.

I wish you a great day and remember to smile; you just might make someone else smile as well.

And, pass this blog to friends and colleagues

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Money – Money – and More Money

Assalam wa alekum

This post is going to be slightly longer than usual but I think you will enjoy it!

For over 20 years I have been fascinated with what it really takes to make a lot of money. I realized a long time ago that if someone else could do something or achieve something… then I could at least copy what they did, and get a similar… or better result.

In my younger years, making money was on top of my list so I became a very good student. But what I have discovered in my search is that it’s not just the people with the college degrees or the most potential who make the most money.

For example, you and I both could probably name some people who we think are smarter than we are, yet who don’t make as much money as we do. And we also could probably name some people who we think aren’t as smart as we are, but who make more money.

I was VERY fortunate that I had the desire to earn a lot of money…just as I hope you do. The reason I say that is because money is not hard to make if you understand how. But more than having just desire, I found a few mentors who really knew what making money was really all about; they were making millions, so I wanted to make millions.

As a matter of fact, I decided at the age of 22… that I was going to be a millionaire! I had no idea how…. but I was going to listen to the mentors and then do what they did.

Let me share with you a few simple things I learned that I think will help you on your quest for earning significantly more money. And since the “Street Kid” part of me wants it simple and fast, everything I do is about getting results now, not in 6 months. So everything you learn from me, you will be able to apply immediately.

So let’s begin.


First and foremost…earning a lot of money is not reserved for smart people. It’s reserved for people who do the right things – spiritually, mentally and physically, that attract money.

One of the first things you must understand is that the internal belief you have about what you think you can earn, is not your true potential, but a conditioned ‘belief’ based on your past results and old mental conditioning.

And as a reminder from previous reports… your internal image and conditioning controls what you focus on, attract and see. If you are conditioned to make $35k a year, all you see are opportunities and jobs in line with that image and focus. If you are conditioned to earn $200k a year, then all you are focused on is things that are in line with that financial level.

There is an exact science to earning money that most people have never been taught. I’ll give you an example of a couple of the easy rules you must understand for earning money. Without understanding and applying these simple rules, you are working harder than you need to be.

Many people significantly increase their financial intake and lifestyle by simply understanding and following the information that follows, so here you go…

(Now remember, individually these rules may seem simple. But when you look at the 3 together…you’ll understand the potential effect they have on how much you can earn.)

Rule One: Define the overall market potential for the product, service or talent you have.

This is pretty easy: Do a lot of people need what you do or have…or is it just a few? The more potential there is for what you have or do, the more total money there is for you to attract. For example:

If you are a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary or a baker…there is a clear need in our society for what you do. The same holds true for professional athletes or musicians. There are some professions and products that have less need than others, therefore less earning potential.

Rule Two: I get paid in direct proportion to how replaceable I am… or how replaceable my product or service is.

In other words – how good are you? This is where earning money starts to get a little competitive. If you are easy to replace because the entry to what you do is easy, then you have to be very, very good to do well in that field. Otherwise you will have to share the potential intake between lots of people. The harder the entry, the higher the potential intake is because there are fewer people to share it with.

The same is true if you have a product or service that is easy to duplicate. Rarity increases value:

- Think of surgeon vs. a general doctor.
- Think of a rare original painting vs. a print.
- Think of an excellent salesperson vs. an ‘OK’ one.
- Think of how much Michael Jordan earns vs. a rookie…
- Think of any service you currently use that is so-so vs. another one that is excellent.

Who do you prefer to do business with? These 3 question areas should get you thinking about some of the basic stuff like…
1. How good is your product or service? If you aren’t the best, or close…. then why not?
2. What reasons are you ‘internally’ telling yourself for not being better? What is this costing you    in financial intake and your life style?
3. Plain and simple – is your product, service or talent easily replaceable?
Rule Three: I get paid in direct proportion to how many people I can get to use and pay me for products, services or my talent.

Think about this for a moment: Compared to other people in your line of work, how good are you at getting people to know what you do and what you have to offer (your products and services lines)? And how good are you at getting them to use your products or services?

If you are honest with yourself about the answers, I think you’ll agree that in one or more of the areas there is room for improvement.

I’d like you to imagine what it would be like to double or triple your intake or revenues right now, what would you buy, where would you go, what would you have that you don’t right now?

If you don’t keep growing and learning, you’ve made an internal agreement with yourself that you are fine with how much money you are earning right now and with what you’ve got right now.

Until next time…